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Funda of Web IT - Laravel Crash Courses

Laravel Admin-Panel 5.8 - Full Crash Course. 

Here, you will learn how to make or create or customize your admin panel as per your requirement. 
We will start this Project (Admin Panel) using Laravel Framework, Version 5.8 and Database we are going to use is Xampp. 

First thing for frontend design on Admin Panel, we are taking a Template from MD_Bootstrap Website (Free Source) and setup all the Files.

Finally, after downloading the Template File and Start the Setup in your Laravel Application where link given below:

The Task which are done in this Admin Panel are:

1. Setup and Installation of Laravel for creaating Admin Panel
2. Starting with Login and Register using laravel auth command.
3. CRUD application in Laravel
4. Custom Roles and Permission in laravel
5. and many other things are continued in this above Laravel Admin Panel Series.

Laravel-5.8 Ecommerce Website - Full Crash Course.